Minggu, 21 Mei 2017

The Girl and the Wind

Hear! Hear!
For the wind that whispers
through his ears, what does it tell?
Everyday she dies and wonders
if the blows end at a bid of farewell.

To every wind that ever chimes her skin,
she'll let you tell him this:
She's afraid to be left alone on the corner,
and life would have been meaner
before he blew her away.
"How she wants you to blow her away," the wind told him.

Hail wind!
Now it's playing joyfully with her hair
while she's humming to the Beatles serenade
Strawberry fields forever, she hums it many times
But, his heartbeat, she sheepishly says,
trembles everytime he hugs
(and she loves it more than Beatles songs, does she not?)

The sun tumbled down
as the wind and the girl shared too much
about their Beatles favorite songs
or about,
who pines for who
while the cup of tea sipped one or two

Now the wind whispers his ears again, what does it say?
"The girl whispered me tons about you"
"Then, whisper me!" He said.


Instead of sending him words,
she's dying to lick his ears!

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